Still kicking

I haven’t died, It’s just crazy cold here and I don’t have garage heat.  I was fine for a few weeks but the fever to get back to work on the car is quickly setting in.  I’ve been collecting a few parts here and there and planing how to attack the reassembly.

today is a good day to paint

Had the day off today so decided to spend it outside. Why not 40 is warm enough to be in the driveway all day if the sun is up. I welded in what I decided was the last patch I was going to do on the pan around 10am. I had some brake line and … Read more

rolling pan

got the front beam on the pan today and transfered the steering linkage off the old beam to the new one.  WOW those little cotter pins were a pain in the a** to get out.  Ended up drilling out two of them.  Was able to get everything back together so thankfully I didnt munge the … Read more


I finally had time to zerorust the frame head today.  Getting it ready to mount the beam I picked up in chicago. I think it turned out really well.  I’ll be working on mounting the beam and transferring the linkage off the old beam this week.  hopefully it will be rolling pan by next weekend.  … Read more

Replacement firewall installed

I got the replacement firewall installed last night and put about 40 spotwelds on it.  Seems very stable, I only welded the external flange thats under the gas tank for now.  I may try welding the internal flange after the heater channels are replaced but I think I may need to move around the internal … Read more